Friday, 28 June 2019

I wanted to post more pictures and info on my permanent transition for a grown-up/sissy into an actual 3 year old little girl...with my cancer treatments (hopefully coming to close in the month or so.

I will just post pictures today

And yes, I do have a Daddy/Master who is fully behind and mostly responsible for my current role in life.

Some Facts about sissy little girl pansy legal name is pansy Gronski
2. I am 58 years old chronologically, however I am 3 years old, Mentally, Emotionally, and soon due to being on a Baby Food/Formula and strict no adult food diet, phsycally.
3 I have always felt like a little girl, and have come to realize that my former life as a M 1-24, and then as a TS living successfully 25-56. I have ALWAYS been a 3 year-old girl, and all my past life was a complete and total LIE.
4. I have absolutely NO desire to ever return to any sembalence of returning to a grown-up life. I fully realize and accept that I AM a 3 year old little girl.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

A Permanent Lifestyle 

If you have read any of pansy's previous blogs, you may remember that they changed topics many times, and yes, we admit although 90% of it was true, there was a little embellishment on some issues.

This Blog however, will be 100% accurate and truthful, as pansy Gronski does now indeed live permanently as a Little Girl, (a diaper-wearing 3 year old, to be exact). pansy's Daddy/Master AL John, could not be happier. He wishes He could legally adopt pansy, however Florida law does not
allow that.
Today's post spotlights pansy baby food only diet.
Since pansy's Cancer, she is on a very limited diet, she had a large portion of her anal muscle removed and has extreme trouble passing any solid BM. she also had penile cancer, so she was castrated and had her penile shaft removed resulting in a penectomy.
Over the years, some readers have made comments that AL John is not a real person, rest assured He is very real, but His limited right arm movement,, He has to hold the camera as best He can while feeding His little girl.
pansy happily accepts the Gerbers pudding and formula, (mixed with Boost protein drink). she usually is allowed to feed herself however. Previously, pansy was able to mix leftovers in a blender, but even those days are over now.
she  his heavily diapered at all times, and being really 100% incontinent now, pansy can in no way hold her wee-wee or poopy any more. Fortunately, her disability pays for her diaper usage which can be up to 3 times a day

Daddy/Master AL John will wait until her diapers have filled even more, before changing them.

Friday, 19 April 2019

A sissy Little Girl Forever

This sissy is ordered to start a new Blog describing my life living permanently as an Adult Little Girl.
My cancer has left with no basically no sex organs (a penectomy and scrotal sac and testes removed),
so there was no reason for me to pretend to be an Adult ever again

I am no longer permitted to think, act, look, speak like a grown-up. I am also no longer to EVER refer to my past life when this sissy now knows that it pretended all its life to be a Grown-up person. My Daddy/Master wants me to become even more childish and juvenile than I am now.